Last revised: 2005-04-06 by Alan Hogan. See all.
ATTENTION! This page is in alpha testing – that means it is being internally tested and is not to be used by anyone but the webmaster! It will not work as expected! Thank you.
Page Upload
This is the page-upload tool. Before uploading your web page, please do the following:
- Spell check your document.
- Ensure that your document follows the guidelines - i.e., does its coding comply with XHTML and GHSCC specs?
- Check that any images you specifically need on your page
(Not stuff like common headers, but any images you
specifically created or need to link to) are:
- Yours to post, or
- Not under copyright. Remember, copyright is automatically granted to an author, so you need explicit permission for using someone else's images.
- Remember that the XHTML file is required. Also, it cannot
contain any server-side scripting. If you need PHP on your
page, also submit a PHP file. You can set
keys and values as you wish. Then any<<php><content-x>>
instances (where x represents any$contentVar[]
key you set) will be stripped out of the XHTML file and replaced with the value of the key you set, even if that value is null (nothing, but set).
Necessary fields are bold.