In Case You Missed the Meeting!
Point System -- Along with the theme workshop we also put into effect a new points system. The point system will hopefully generate more production from the members and some much needed money for the club.
Past Meetings
- Friday, January 19th during home room in Mr. Myer’s computer lab - Year book picture day is January 23rd. All club members are to report to the auditorium when called. It is time to prepare for our next light show. It will be a fireworks show. Location and logistics need to determined. The layout was discussed and several ideas to accomplish the show were presented. All members are strongly encouraged to come to the club room to work on the show during any free time they may have.
- Tuesday, December 12th during home room in Mr. Myer’s computer lab - The holiday light show is ready to display. Days have been scheduled to setup the lights outside. All students are required to help put up the show. The show will begin on December 18th and continue through the first week of January.
- Thursday, November 16th during home room in Mr. Myer’s computer lab - All the equipment is in for the computerized light show. We have received some donations of lights and extension cords. We need to collect more. The layout of the show and the song list is being compiled. We will choose 10 songs from the list. The software is being setup on the computer that will be used to control the light show. All members are strongly encouraged to come to the club room to work on the show during any free time they may have.
- Thursday, November 2nd after school in Mr. Myer’s computer lab - First fundraising event was discussed in detail. It will be a computerized light show that will be displayed in the front of the school. Equipment has been ordered and will arrive on Nov. 13th. Donations of lights and extension cords are being accepted. The layout of the show and the song list is also being compiled.
- Thursday, September 21st after school in Mr. Myer’s computer lab - Election of officers took place. Dues and activities were discussed.