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GHS Computer Club

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Computer Club and Student Bylaws

Greenville Area School District

Article 1.   Club Name

The name of the computer club is GHS Computer Club, hereafter referred to as the club.

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Article 2.   Purpose of the Club

  1. Increase awareness in the latest developments in the area of technology including career options in a diverse economy.
  2. Provide a positive forum in which students can be creative, innovative, and marketable in their prospective area of interests.
  3. Provide a "user friendly" place for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to learn and use the latest computer technology.
  4. Promote Greenville Area School District through the effective use of a website and community projects.
  5. Enhance student knowledge by providing a forum of Questions and Answers and Internet resources through the effective use of a Website and newsletter.

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Article 3.   Membership

  1. Membership is open to any currently enrolled Greenville High School student.
  2. Membership is open to any current faculty and staff at Greenville High School.
  3. Only currently enrolled students are allowed to run for club offices.
  4. Current members may bring up new business during the open floor session of regularly scheduled meetings.

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Article 4.   Officer Positions

  1. The officers of this club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and Editor. Officer positions may be deleted or established by a majority vote of the club.
  2. Officers will be elected for one year by a vote of the club at the beginning of each term year.
  3. Officers must be currently enrolled Greenville High School sophomores, juniors, and/or seniors and are current on annual dues.
  4. Officers cannot miss more than one meeting per quarter.
  5. An officer may be removed from office by a 3/4 vote at a club meeting.
  6. If an officer position is becomes vacant for any reason, the club shall hold elections at the next club meeting.

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Article 5.   Officer Duties

  1. President - principal officer and is responsible for leading the club in meetings and activities in accordance with guidance established by the Greenville Area School District and these bylaws.
  2. Vice President - shall assist the president in club management, shall preside over club meetings in the absence of the president, and shall perform other duties assigned by the president.
  3. Secretary - shall keep minutes of club meetings, maintain club membership records,and shall perform other duties assigned by the president. The secretary shall maintain an attendance roster for the club records.
  4. Treasurer - shall maintain all of the financial holdings of the club including maintaining a current balance sheet.  The treasurer shall make a financial report to the club on a semi-annual basis or whenever the faculty sponsor or president deems necessary.  The treasurer shall make a financial report to the club before the election of a new treasurer or in the event the treasurer leaves office before regular elections.
  5. Webmaster - shall create and maintain a dynamic website for the club.
  6. Editor - shall be responsible for the editing of the monthly newsletter before the final draft is printed and distributed.

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Article 6.   Faculty Sponsors

  1. There may be a group of faculty sponsors.
  2. At least one sponsor shall be a full-time instructor at Greenville High School. Part-time instructors are permitted to be club sponsors.
  3. Faculty sponsors are required to pay annual membership dues.
  4. Sponsors may vote in meetings and participate in all club activities.
  5. A sponsor must be present at all club meetings.
  6. A sponsor will be responsible for supervising elections and maintaining order within the club.
  7. A sponsor will work closely with the club officers in business matters of the club,including maintenance of the club website.

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Article 7.   Executive Committee

  1. The executive committee will be composed of all club officers and faculty sponsors.
  2. The executive committee will meet as required to make club decisions that do not need a majority vote of all club members.
  3. Meetings will be called as necessary.
  4. This committee may recommend the creation of other committees.  The additional committees will be created by vote of the club.

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Article 8.   Voting

  1. Each member that has paid dues may vote.
  2. All proposed changes (amendments) to these bylaws must be approved by a majority of the club.

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Article 9.   Dues

  1. The Club Treasurer will collect annual membership dues.  The dues are $5.00 for annual membership and are to be paid in advance.
  2. Dues may be changed by a majority of the club.
  3. Dues paid are non-refundable.
  4. The dues will go toward expenses not covered by the funds raised by the club (e.g., food and beverages at meetings).
  5. Dues will be deposited into the club's school account.

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Article 10.   General Fund

  1. The club will provide an annual budget designated for start up costs, equipment, activities, events, student travel, guest speakers, and certifications.  This fund may cover other costs incurred by the club but cannot be used for the purchase of food and beverages.
  2. This fund will be managed by the club and placed into the club's school account.

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Article 11.   Meetings

  1. General meetings will be held monthly.  Meeting locations and times are subject to change by a consensus of the club's officers.
  2. At least one sponsor is required to attend each meeting.

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Article 12.   Activities

  1. Fundraisers - proceeds from fundraisers will be deposited into the club's school accountant will go toward expenses not covered by the funds provided to the club by club member dues (e.g., food and beverages at meetings).
  2. Competitions and Fairs
  3. Site Visits
  4. Certifications
  5. Equipment
  6. Software

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Article 13.   Newsletter

  1. A monthly newsletter will be generated and distributed to all students.
  2. The content of the newsletter may include, but is not limited to; club activities, meeting schedule, technology articles, technology help, school activities, etc.
  3. The newsletter will also be published on the club website.
  4. The newsletter will contain factual information and will not contain personal opinions (e.g., political).

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Article 14.   Website

  1. The content of the website may include, but is not limited to:
    • Discussion
    • Q&A
    • Links
    • Tutorials
    • Downloads
    • Articles
    • Schedule
    • GHS program information
    • Newsletter
  2. Items and links on the website will adhere to all Greenville Area School District policies.

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Article 15.   Code of Ethics

  1. All members will be responsible for their actions and respect the genius of others’ work and property.
  2. Software piracy is not allowed.
  3. Members shall abide by the student code of conduct published by Greenville Area School District.
  4. The club shall operate under current school policy.

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Article 16.   Changes to Bylaws

  1. Articles in this set of bylaws may be deleted or modified as deemed necessary by a majority of the club.
  2. Changes to the bylaws will be done as amendments.
  3. A majority vote is required to make any changes to the club's bylaws.

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Written by Mr. Ron Myers on 2005-01-28; viewed 6395 times.

Last revised: 2005-12-15 by Shockey. See all.

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