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Written by Alan Hogan on 2005-01-27; viewed 73495 times.

Last revised: 2009-04-09 by Alan Hogan. See all.

The Club Welcomes You

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What Is The GHSCC?

The Greenville High School Computer Club is comprised of students at GHS (in Greenville, Pennsylvania) and our advisor, Mr. Myers.

Connecting Students, Faculty, and Technology

As a club, we put out newsletters for students and teachers to read.  The newsletters discuss current technology news, club happenings, and the latest and greatest technological gizmos and gadgets.

Our website was recently updated to be accessible, per Section 508 and WAI-AA guidelines.  This means persons with disabilities (or simply no JavaScript) can use our site with no trouble.

Sign Up!

You can be e-mailed whenever a new issue of the club newsletter comes out.  Sign up for the alerts here!

Club Wallpaper

Try on some GHSCC desktop wallpaper: Check out v1.8.0 and let Alan know what you think.


Mozilla Firefox is continuing to obtain new users. Getting Firefox may help you fight spyware, but that’s not all. Find out more about Firefox, or download it from Also consider Opera or Safari.

Have a computer question?

Our website has a question-and-answer page. We’ll try to answer any computer or technology-related question submitted. Be one of the first to have your question answered and posted online!